Category Physical Design

Blockages in VLSI

What are Placement and Routing Blockages in VLSI? There are basically two types of blockages in VLSI,.i.e., Placement Blockages and Routing Blockages. The Placement Blockages are again classified into three types. They are hard blockages, soft blockages and partial blockages.…

Macro Placement Guidelines

Macro Placement Guidelines After Pin placement, we place macros in the design keeping in mind below rules: One thing I am sure that if you read the below points carefully, you will be able to easily place macros for any…

Macros in VLSI

What are Macros? Macro Cells are the Memory cells. These IPs have been designed by some other Analog design team, which can be used in the floor plan stage of the design. Type of Macros There are following three types…


What is Floorplan? Before hitting this particular topic of Floorplan, let’s take an example of building a house. If we are going to build a house, we first specify the area for different rooms, such as balcony, kitchen, lawn, etc.…

Unified Power Format (.upf)

puts “Info: PIE VERSION: 2.2.18”  ##Power Intent version ##First thing we do is create power supply port for power & ground and then we define nets with the port defined. create_supply_port vdd_ssc_cx create_supply_net  vdd_ssc_cx -resolve parallel connect_supply_net vdd_ssc_cx -ports vdd_ssc_cx…

Physical Library (LEF)

Below are the contents of LEF in details. The explanation is with ##. VERSION 5.8; ## LEF Version BUSBITCHARS “[]”; ## Bus bit char representation DIVIDERCHAR “/”; ## Divide bit char representation ## Units definition for the numbers defined in this LEF. 4000*number…

Design Exchange Format (DEF)

VERSION 5.8 ; ## DEF version DIVIDERCHAR “/” ; ##Divider char representation BUSBITCHARS “[]” ; ## Bus bit char representation DESIGN dummy design; ##Design Name (Partition Name) UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS 4000; ##Unit definition ##Before going to next points lets understand the difference between die and…